Jasmin from Burgenland
" My focal point is the massage pool and the outdoor area - because I feel like I'm on vacation here."
Our guests as models
with jasmine
We asked our guests on Instagram if they would like to model for us and tell us about their very personal AVITA moments. Jasmin from Burgenland has contacted us. The result is beautiful photos and an interview with her own AVITA vacation story. We say again thank you for your loyalty and the great photos, we are really very proud to have the best guests!

How often have you been to the AVITA Resort?
Jasmin: I’ve been to AVITA many times – actually since I was a kid, we always went here together as a family. I really enjoy being at AVITA. I associate the AVITA with childhood memories.
What should not be missing from any wellness day?
Jasmin: The fixed point for me is always the massage pool and the outdoor area, because here you feel like you’re on vacation. Even though I come from nearby, the Avita still always awakens that vacation feeling in me.
Do you associate a special experience with the AVITA Resort?
Jasmin: I wouldn’t limit that to a specific moment right now. Every visit is worth it and a special experience.
Is there anything else at the AVITA Resort that you would like to get to know?
Jasmin: I would like to come here for cocktails and then also try the vegan picnic basket at Romantiksteg.